

Stories change minds

Recently, I came across an experiment that provides proof of something I have long suspected.

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The difference between design and advertising

Graphic design is the creation of visual order and meaning. It’s about bringing harmony and consistent principles to bear on the many different ways an organisation expresses itself. It’s about rules.

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Rhyme and unreason

O.J. Simpson was in a hole. His estranged wife Nicole had been murdered. He had been apprehended by the police in suspicious circumstances after a bizarre slow-motion car chase.

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The curious death of the advertising jingle

TV ad breaks used to be full of jingles. If we weren’t being told that Chesdale Cheese had a mighty taste, we were humming along to the origin story of the Mazda Wonderlight. Such is the power of these ear worms that, several decades later, I can still sing all the words. I bet I’m not alone.

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